
Counterchange – Sculpture by Addé 2018


Counterchange’s definition is a patterning in which a dark motif on a light ground alternates with the same motif light on a dark ground.

Although a heraldic term, as a form of disruptive pattern, it belongs to the camouflage domain.

While recently applied to and by the military, camouflage in all its acceptions, is as old as life itself and is part of the crypsis field defining all the possibilities and mods to avoid being detected.

Crypsis can involve visual, olfactory, or auditory concealment.

In nature, many species have developed all sorts of ways to remain invisible, or the opposite anticamouflage, as a warning of their real or supposed dangerousity.


Counterchange,sculpture, Addé, African Homage

Counterchange,sculpture, Addé, African Homage Counterchange,sculpture, Addé, African Homage Counterchange,sculpture, Addé, African Homage Counterchange,sculpture, Addé, African Homage Counterchange,sculpture, Addé, African Homage Counterchange,sculpture, Addé, African Homage Counterchange,sculpture, Addé, African Homage Counterchange,sculpture, Addé, African Homage Counterchange,sculpture, Addé, African Homage Counterchange,sculpture, Addé, African Homage Counterchange,sculpture, Addé, African Homage Counterchange,sculpture, Addé, African Homage Counterchange,sculpture, Addé, African Homage

Counterchange © Addé 2018 – photos Xea B.


Being altogether counterchanging and disruptive, this piece’s elements are strictly based on the same palette.


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