Counterchange II

Counterchange II – Sculpture by Addé 2018

Counterchange II

As counterchange does not sound explicit, the term has an interesting definition of a pattern composed of dark on light colours, alternating with light on dark.

An interesting exercice de style.

It may as well be a conjugation of bright colours in a both disruptive and distractive camouflage relying on conspicuous markings.

The well-known fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra) sports bright yellow spots, patching on black, warning of its toxicity.

Those markings are of great effectiveness when displayed on a contrasted surface, yet would differ in their mechanisms when placed on a similar one, or a counterchange substratum.


Counterchange II, sculpture, Addé, African Homage

Counterchange II, sculpture, Addé, African Homage Counterchange II, sculpture, Addé, African Homage Counterchange II, sculpture, Addé, African Homage Counterchange II, sculpture, Addé, African Homage Counterchange II, sculpture, Addé, African Homage Counterchange II, sculpture, Addé, African Homage Counterchange II, sculpture, Addé, African Homage Counterchange II, sculpture, Addé, African Homage Counterchange II, sculpture, Addé, African Homage Counterchange II, sculpture, Addé, African Homage Counterchange II, sculpture, Addé, African Homage Counterchange II, sculpture, Addé, African Homage

Counterchange II © Addé 2018 – photos Xea B.


Bright/ luminous colours in nature are advertising of danger, yet, counterchange in a sculpture acts as both a harmony and an opposition.



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