Scala naturae I

Scala naturae I – Sculpture by Addé 2018

Scala naturae I
The “Ladder of Being” which started with the Greek philosophers, such as Plato or Aristotle among many other contributors, is the prologue to natural History.
Scaling life from top to bottom is a hard task, especially since it had to start with divinity (a priority during many centuries) and end up with the wee tiniest form of life that could be observed.
When it became science, it split in as many disciplines as needed and is still gradually expanding.
As we are far from complete knowledge, the more is discovered, the more we see that reality is stranger than fiction.
Yet, fiction is a source of fantasy, especially when it comes to extraterrestrial forms of life, but no matter what is created, it is by human brains, therefore bear humanly conceived forms.

What we know about Aliens:
They have the formidable power of blurring any image taken of them.
They are heavy pranksters capable of crossing galaxies to make human puzzling crop circles.
They regard physicists as stand-up comedians.

Scala naturae I, Addé, African Homage

Scala naturae I, Addé, African Homage Scala naturae I, Addé, African Homage Scala naturae I, Addé, African Homage Scala naturae I, Addé, African Homage Scala naturae I, Addé, African Homage Scala naturae I, Addé, African Homage Scala naturae I, Addé, African Homage Scala naturae I, Addé, African Homage

Scala naturae I © Addé 2018 – photos Xea B.


Just an evocation of a life form…



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