Scala naturae II

Scala naturae II – Sculpture by Addé 2018

Scala naturae II

Around the mid XIXth century, scientists believed in spontaneous generation and it was the official theory, until Louis Pasteur fought it and proved the existence of bacteria.

At that time, it was scientifically admitted that mice were born from dirty rags…

Enlightened minds, precursors, forward-thinkers, are and have been bringing their stone to the edifice, since, maybe, the first one, who actually thought of using one.

Photography, sound recording, cinema and videography have made us familiar to many forms of wild life, whether terrestrial, aerial, or subaquatic.

Yet many more to come, to be discovered, most of them so peculiar, they are called « alien » but they all belong here and help us understand life bears such a diversity, there will be more astonishments.

Already Astrobiology/ Exobiology is speculating and studying what life could be elsewhere, while wild life on earth is drastically reducing thanks to suicidal overpopulation and environmental destruction.

Scala naturea II, sculpture, Addé, African Homage

Scala naturea II, sculpture, Addé, African Homage Scala naturea II, sculpture, Addé, African Homage Scala naturea II, sculpture, Addé, African Homage Scala naturea II, sculpture, Addé, African Homage Scala naturea II, sculpture, Addé, African Homage Scala naturea II, sculpture, Addé, African Homage Scala naturea II, sculpture, Addé, African Homage Scala naturea II, sculpture, Addé, African Homage Scala naturea II, sculpture, Addé, African Homage

Scala naturae II © Addé 2018 – photos Xea B.


A sculpture as a simple tribute to life.


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