Beauty of Mathematics

Beauty of Mathematics

For many of us, the word itself brings back painful memories, even « dark sarcasm in the classroom » with the sad result of rejecting the domain.

Nevertheless and beyond prejudice, from the most ancient statements to the theory of everything, including the « divine » golden ratio, mathematics are vertiginous

How on earth can maths be beautiful, and does it matter?

Well, it does matter in the proper sense, since the whole universe actually IS mathematics as well as an open window on infinity.

Bertrand Russell expressed his sense of mathematical beauty in these words:

Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty—a beauty cold and austere, like that of sculpture, without appeal to any part of our weaker nature, without the gorgeous trappings of painting or music, yet sublimely pure, and capable of a stern perfection such as only the greatest art can show. The true spirit of delight, the exaltation, the sense of being more than Man, which is the touchstone of the highest excellence, is to be found in mathematics as surely as poetry.


Beauté des mathématiques

Pour beaucoup d’entre nous, le mot lui-même nous rappelle des souvenirs douloureux, même des “sarcasmes sombres dans la classe” avec le triste résultat de rejeter le domaine.

Néanmoins et au-delà des préjugés, des déclarations les plus anciennes à la théorie du tout, les mathématiques sont vertigineuses, y compris le “divin “nombre d’or.
Comment diable les maths peuvent-elles être belles, et est-ce important ?

Oui, parce que c’est la matière même, quand l’univers tout entier EST en fait mathématique, et une fenêtre ouverte sur l’infini.

Bertrand Russell a exprimé son sens de la beauté mathématique dans ces mots :

Les mathématiques, considérées pour ce qu’elles sont, possèdent non seulement la vérité, mais la beauté suprême – une beauté froide et austère, comme celle de la sculpture, sans appel à aucune partie de notre nature plus faible, sans les superbes attributs de la peinture ou de la musique, mais sublimement pure, et capable d’une perfection sévère telle que seul le plus grand art peut en montrer. Le véritable esprit de plaisir, l’exaltation, le sentiment d’être plus que l’homme, qui est la pierre de touche de la plus haute excellence, se trouve en mathématiques aussi sûrement que la poésie.


Beauty of mathematics, sculpture, Addé

Beauty of mathematics, sculpture, Addé

Beauty of mathematics, sculpture, Addé

Beauty of mathematics, sculpture, Addé

Beauty of mathematics, sculpture, Addé

Beauty of mathematics, sculpture, Addé

Beauty of mathematics, sculpture, Addé

Beauty of mathematics, sculpture, Addé

Beauty of mathematics, sculpture, Addé

Beauty of mathematics, sculpture, Addé

Beauty of mathematics, sculpture, Addé

Beauty of mathematics, sculpture, Addé

Beauty of mathematics, sculpture, Addé

Beauty of mathematics, sculpture, Addé

Beauty of mathematics, sculpture, Addé

Beauty of mathematics, sculpture, Addé

Beauty of mathematics, sculpture, Addé

Beauty of mathematics, sculpture, Addé

Beauty of mathematics, sculpture, Addé

Beauty of mathematics, sculpture, Addé

Beauty of mathematics, sculpture, Addé

Beauty of mathematics, sculpture, Addé

A sculpture to celebrate mathematics (and the divina proportio) deserves the author being stoned… with marshmallows.

Une sculpture pour célébrer les mathématiques (et la divina proportio) mérite, pour l’auteur, d’être lapidé… avec des guimauves.


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4 comments… add one
  • Ianus Christius Feb 5, 2020 @ 16:57

    Too much red color for me, but still quite an interesting artworks! And I am a big Sci Art fan, which is my new hobby! 🙂

    • Addé Feb 5, 2020 @ 18:05

      So, you’re erythrophobic and there is no cure for it, but nobody cares! Are you aware of what you are saying? You are visiting this gallery, and welcome to do so, but you comment on “too much red for you” So much contempt. You are behaving just like the Tripadvisor’s bullies, except for the fact that you are being a guest here, not a client.

      • Ianus Christius Feb 5, 2020 @ 19:59

        First of all, I´m not erythrophobic. Second, I made that comment to express my personal opinion about the artwork. And third, my opinion was not made with the intention to offend anybody, just to make my the statement on the mentioned subject. So, if my comment offends you, that is very bad and sad for you…

        • Addé Feb 5, 2020 @ 20:37

          You didn’t express your opinion there but your taste of which no one gives a shit about. You don’t like it in red, so what? Am I supposed to paint it a different color to please your Majesty? I am not offended, I am angry. You are so full of yourself, believing you are entitled to comment irrelevantly on works, yet do not collect/ buy any. Margaritas ante porcos

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