De rerum natura

De rerum natura – Sculpture by Addé 2018

De rerum natura

With evolution, each species has found ways to survive.

Of all Nature’s necessities, safety is fundamental. When many species have developed some sort of shell, carapace, or armour, the nude ones had, and still have, to find and/ or build, a shelter.

Becoming sedentary, human kind started to build the very first dry stone constructions which may be regarded as the first architectures, and since then, all constructions were built, as building was the only known way.

We are now at the very beginning of a new era with printed architectures which will bring new concepts for which Nature is showing us the way together with the way the tiniest animals elaborate their shells under the golden ratio.

Morphogenesis has just started!


De rerum natura, sculpture, Addé, African Homage

De rerum natura, sculpture, Addé, African Homage De rerum natura, sculpture, Addé, African Homage De rerum natura, sculpture, Addé, African Homage De rerum natura, sculpture, Addé, African Homage De rerum natura, sculpture, Addé, African Homage

De rerum natura © Addé 2018 – photos Xea B.

De rerum natura, sculpture, Addé, African Homage De rerum natura, sculpture, Addé, African Homage De rerum natura, sculpture, Addé, African Homage De rerum natura, sculpture, Addé, African Homage De rerum natura, sculpture, Addé, African Homage De rerum natura, sculpture, Addé, African Homage

De rerum natura, sculpture, Addé, African Homage

Sculptures by Nature are the fruits of necessity and time. In other words, Evolution.



6 comments… add one
  • Vertige de l'Oiseau Dec 25, 2018 @ 8:28

    Superbe, évidemment

    Douce et heureuse fête de fin d’année à vous 2
    2019, rayonnant, nous attend
    A bientôt

    Mon amitié assise toujours près de vous

    • Addé Dec 25, 2018 @ 14:10

      Excellentes fêtes à toi, notre ami manquant. 2019 sera l’année de ton retour que nous espérons proche. Nous avons glissé, sous le séant de ton assise amitié, un coussin de brocart et de duvet de cygne, un coussin de Pape!

  • Yvonne KT Dec 25, 2018 @ 19:30

    Magnifique. ⛄Joyeux Noël ?

    • Addé Dec 26, 2018 @ 14:09

      Un très joyeux Noël pour vous, Yvonne! Merci pour votre appréciation!

  • rajanisingh885721172 Jan 29, 2019 @ 15:21

    Fabulous post

    • Addé Feb 3, 2019 @ 18:30

      I much appreciate ! Thank you !

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