

When you are abducted by a chant. From very ancient beliefs that music, songs, have the power to bewitch humans. Mermaids, fairies, have the power to ravish you, to literally enchant you, and this is exactly what inspired music does!


Incantation, sculpture, detail, Addé

“Incantation” Sculpture by Addé


7 photos – Click to pause the slideshow.

1 Incantation, sculpture, Addé2 Incantation, sculpture, Addé3 Incantation, sculpture, Addé4 Incantation, sculpture, Addé5 Incantation, sculpture, Addé6 Incantation, sculpture, Addé7 Incantation, sculpture, Addé


Incantation – David Hicken (The Art Of Piano) Piano Solo


“Incantation” Sculpture by Addé

Le poème n’est accompli que s’il se fait chant, parole et musique en même temps.
Léopold Sédar Senghor


Incantation, sculpture, Addé

“Incantation” Sculpture by Addé

Most of the original sculptures presented here are conceived as monumental. Should you be interested in commissioning the large version, please contact us.

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4 comments… add one
  • Manache Jan 24, 2018 @ 4:53

    Virtuosity for an Incantation
    Merci 🙂

    • Addé Jan 24, 2018 @ 15:19

      Thank you, Manache! Indeed David Hicken is an incredible composer and pianist!

  • kutukamus Feb 2, 2018 @ 10:30

    By the music
    And by the blue stripe knot 🙂

    • Addé Feb 3, 2018 @ 16:18

      Charmed? Nah, you’re enchanted so profoundly, you believe you’re only charmed… Thank you Kamus :o)

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