Mermaid bread (le pain des six reines) – Sculpture by Addé 2018
Mermaid bread (le pain des six reines)
Since mermaids have fled humans, they retired in their six kingdoms in the deepest of the seas and oceans.
Their last statement, given in a flow of bubbles, explained they strongly fear ending up in what they called « water circuses » where they would be forced to perform, together with dolphins and other prisoners, for over-fed silly audiences who do not give a damn about animal welfare as long as they are entertained.
Moreover, they thought they might be forced to rap instead of singing their melodious chants.
Well, anyway, mermaids are vegetarian as they would not dare offending Poseidon by eating his subjects.
So they eat mainly bread, a very rare trove which happens to turn blue when taken out of the water.
The Jimi Hendrix Experience – 1983 (A Merman I Should Turn To Be)
I can hear Atlantis full of cheer
Harmonie des lieux d’un azur proche des cieux,
quelque temps auparavant j’avais l’oreille collée à un coquillage
Les Sirènes, rivales des Muses, ne m’ont rien murmuré
mais leur chant fut pour moi l’expérience
d’un beau voyage
Through the noise to the sea
Not to die but to be re-born
Away from a life so battered and torn
Quelle joie de te retrouver! Entends-tu leur frétillement?