Reliquary I

Reliquary I – Sculpture by Addé 2016

Seemingly from the most ancient times, humankind has had the will of keeping memories of their predecessors in many different forms.

Some were physical remains, from body parts to possessions of the gone persons, others were symbolic.

All in all, whatever the form might be, memory was not only a duty, but the conservation of what was before, linking the past to the present and forwarding the transmission to the next generation.

Obviously, this, is today considered as inappropriate, and denial is the trend, as the past is no more regarded as the factor of our own existence, but just wrong when not fitting with today’s doxa.


Depuis les temps les plus anciens, l’humanité a eu la volonté de conserver la mémoire de ses prédécesseurs sous de nombreuses formes.

Certains étaient des restes physiques, allant des parties de corps aux possessions des personnes disparues, d’autres étaient symboliques.

Dans l’ensemble, quelle que soit la forme, la mémoire n’était pas seulement un devoir, mais la conservation de ce qui était avant, reliant le passé au présent et transmettant ces objets mémoriels à la génération suivante.

Il est évident que cela est aujourd’hui considéré comme inapproprié, et la tendance est à la négation, car le passé n’est plus considéré comme le facteur de notre propre existence, mais comme inacceptable lorsqu’il ne correspond pas à la doxa actuelle.


Reliquary I, Addé, sculpture, African Homage

Reliquary I © Addé 2016 – photo Xea B.

Reliquary I, Addé, sculpture, African Homage

Reliquary I © Addé 2016 – photo Xea B.

Reliquary I, Addé, sculpture, African Homage

Reliquary I © Addé 2016 – photo Xea B.

Reliquary I, Addé, sculpture, African Homage

Reliquary I © Addé 2016 – photo Xea B.

Reliquary I, Addé, sculpture, African Homage

Reliquary I © Addé 2016 – photo Xea B.

Reliquary I, Addé, sculpture, African Homage

Reliquary I © Addé 2016 – photo Xea B.


“Reliquary I” Sculpture by Addé 2016

A work of art, a sculpture, transmitted through generations, acquires the status of relics.

Une œuvre d’art, une sculpture, transmise de génération en génération, acquiert le statut de relique.


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