Side Growth – Sculpture by Addé 2019
Side Growth
The chosen ones grow from the top, and are sustained, cherished, promoted.
Many are not.
They will hang on to a side position, and, nevertheless, will grow.
This piece is dedicated to all those who were born unfavoured, mis/disregarded.
Despite the absence of love and support, they will find a way, their way, and because of what they had to go through, their way will progress off the bitten path.
« White collar conservative flashin down the street, pointing that plastic finger at me, they all assume my kind will drop and die, but I’m gonna wave my freak flag high » Jimi Hendrix

Side Growth © Addé 2019 – photos Xea B.
A sculpture for all those shamefully set aside, humans and animals…
A humble look (attire), with mind (head) of a dragon (revolution)! 🙂
Thank you Kamus, you always bring your personal interpretation which is interesting !