The Triumph of Venus

“The Triumph of Venus”

Sculpture by Addé 2018


Should mythology still be part of culture, Venus would still be celebrated and stand as a major symbol of femininity in all its broadest sense, if not, as a clear heroine of womanhood.

Immortal goddess, she embodies beauty, desire, love, sexuality, fertility, prosperity and victory.

Therefore, she should stand as the champion of women’s rights, independence, autonomy, and power.


Si la mythologie faisait toujours partie de la culture, Vénus serait encore célébrée et se dresserait comme un symbole majeur de la féminité dans son sens le plus large, sinon, comme une héroïne évidente de la féminité.

Déesse immortelle, elle incarne la beauté, le désir, l’amour, la sexualité, la fertilité, la prospérité et la victoire.

Elle doit donc se poser en championne des droits, de l’indépendance, de l’autonomie et du pouvoir des femmes.


The Triumph of Venus, sculpture, Addé, africanhomage
The Triumph of Venus, sculpture, Addé, africanhomage
The Triumph of Venus, sculpture, Addé, africanhomage
The Triumph of Venus, sculpture, Addé, africanhomage
The Triumph of Venus, sculpture, Addé, africanhomage
The Triumph of Venus, sculpture, Addé, africanhomage
The Triumph of Venus, sculpture, Addé, africanhomage
The Triumph of Venus, sculpture, Addé, africanhomage
The Triumph of Venus, sculpture, Addé, africanhomage

The Triumph of Venus, sculpture © Addé 2018 – Photos © Xea B.


“The Triumph of Venus” Sculpture © Addé 2018

Dis moi Venus, quel plaisir trouves-tu
A faire ainsi cascader, cascader la vertu?
In “la belle Hélène” Jacques Offenbach composer, Henri Meilhac et Ludovic Halévy librettists.

Most of the original sculptures presented here are conceived as monumental. Should you be interested in commissioning the large version, please contact us.

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4 comments… add one
  • Christy Birmingham Apr 21, 2018 @ 1:28

    A symbol of femininity… This is beautiful ♥

    • Addé Apr 21, 2018 @ 12:32

      Thank you, Christy! As I said, it is sad those mythological guardianship authorities were abandoned.

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