The tree of temptations

“The tree of temptations” by Addé


Up the tree are your desires
The blue mana will feed you
The red cup holds a liquid
Welcome to evanescence
Welcome to uncertainty
What feeds you is doubt
What quinches you is a cloud
Doubt is wisdom
Cloud is cotton candy


Vos désirs sont au sommet de l’arbre
La mana bleue vous nourrira
La coupe rouge contient un liquide
Bienvenue dans l’évanescence
Bienvenue dans l’incertitude
Ce qui vous nourrit, c’est le doute
Ce qui vous désaltère est un nuage
Le doute est la sagesse
Le nuage est de la barbe à papa

17 photos – Click to pause the slideshow.

Sculpture Addé "The tree of temptations" Sculpture Addé "The tree of temptations"Sculpture Addé "The tree of temptations"Sculpture Addé "The tree of temptation"Sculpture Addé "The tree of temptations"Sculpture Addé "The tree of temptations"Sculpture Addé "The tree of temptations"Sculpture Addé "The tree of temptations"Sculpture Addé "The tree of temptations"Sculpture Addé "The tree of temptations"Sculpture Addé "The tree of temptations"Sculpture Addé "The tree of temptations"Sculpture Addé "The tree of temptations"Sculpture Addé "The tree of temptations"Sculpture Addé "The tree of temptations"Sculpture Addé "The tree of temptations"Sculpture Addé "The tree of temptations"

“The tree of temptations” Sculpture and Poem © Addé – 2017


Original piece for a pair of bronze candle holders.
Subscription price (for the pair) on demand.

Sculptures Addé "The tree of temptation"

Most of the original sculptures presented here are conceived as monumental. Should you be interested in commissioning the large version, please contact us.

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