The conception of Aphrodite

The conception of Aphrodite – Sculpture by Addé 2019

The conception of Aphrodite

Aphrodite is an ancient Greek goddess associated with beauty, pleasure, love, and procreation.
The Romans syncretized her as Venus.
She was conceived off the coast of Cythera from the foam, the semen (aphros) produced by Uranus.
Although the term has become colloquial and pejorative, she is said to be born, literally, from the scum of the sea.
A great sadness when such a beautiful and poetic image of a magnificent myth, has turned into a miserable insult.

Nevertheless, do not forget Venus is looking kindly upon us, earthlings.



The conception of Aphrodite, sculpture, Addé, African Homage The conception of Aphrodite, sculpture, Addé, African Homage The conception of Aphrodite, sculpture, Addé, African Homage The conception of Aphrodite, sculpture, Addé, African Homage The conception of Aphrodite, sculpture, Addé, African Homage The conception of Aphrodite, sculpture, Addé, African Homage The conception of Aphrodite, sculpture, Addé, African Homage The conception of Aphrodite, sculpture, Addé, African Homage The conception of Aphrodite, sculpture, Addé, African Homage The conception of Aphrodite, sculpture, Addé, African Homage The conception of Aphrodite, sculpture, Addé, African Homage

The conception of Aphrodite © Addé 2019 – photos Xea B.


A sculpture celebrating the guardian of love and beauty


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