Sculpture – Wrestling the Sky
Life being earthy by nature, the sky is perceived as a world beyond, the domain of all mythological entities, the dwelling of the gods, the haven of ancestors and, therefore the expectation of a heavenly after-life under the condition of a well-behaved life on earth, wrestling the sky…
Although regarded variously by each culture, the sky is the « world above » and the major subject of wonder and myths.
In Africa, even though many people living geographically close to each other, beliefs varied considerably.
Yet, there are common themes, characters, gods, recurring in mythologies of the whole continent.
Fundamentally, as in any cultures, the boundary stands between life limited in time, and death, not regarded as an end but as the start of an “after life” generally timeless and taking place where the living cannot access: the sky.
Wrestling the sky means the ambiguous relationship between life (on earth) and after death (the sky) dealing with the ancestry, the fundamental notions of good and bad, the respect of the rules perceived as compulsory and biding.
Walking through the road of life to reach the after-world, many intercessors will act, in positive or negative ways, as helpers or antagonists, in many forms.

Wrestling the Sky © Addé 2016

Wrestling the Sky © Addé 2016
Life is on earth, the sky is the domain of after-life under the condition of a well-behaved life on earth, therefore, wrestling the sky…
Most of the original sculptures presented here are conceived as monumental. Should you be interested in commissioning the large version, please contact us.
We appreciate you visiting our gallery and liking it, thank you!
What we value the most are the comments, so please give us your opinion, and share!
Love the soil-sky contrast—brown and blue! 🙂
Thank you for the comment Kutu Kamus!
J’aime beaucoup la puissance d’opposition et l’énergie comme figée dans l’instant qui se dégagent de cette sculpture.
Merci, Xea, pour cet article et beau week-end !
Merci, Odile, j’apprécie vraiment! Je communique votre commentaire à Addé. Exellent weekend!
Une belle et forte synthèse. Merci Odile! L’expression du regard porté sur une oeuvre, l’illumine d’autant que les termes en sont puissants.