The tunic of Nessus – Sculpture by Addé 2019
The tunic of Nessus
Heracles asked the centaur Nessus to help his wife Deianeira cross the river Euenos.
Once on the other bank, Nessus tried to rape Deianeira, so Herakles shot him with an arrow which had been dipped in the poisonous blood of the Lernaean Hydra.
Before he drew his final breath, Nessus convinced Deianeira his bloodstained tunic, in fact a chiton, would ensure that her husband would be faithful to her forever.
But Nessus’ blood was spiked with the Hydra’s blood.
Years later, Deianeira fearing her husband was being unfaithful, had him wear the tunic, but it started to burn and hurt Heracles so deeply, he threw himself in a funeral pyre to end the unbearable pain, and died.
Then Deianeira, remorsefully committed suicide.
A sculpture as a reminder there are poisoned chalices.

The tunic of Nessus © Addé 2019 – photos Xea B.
A sculpture as a reminder there are poisoned chalices
Lovely story and beautiful work!
Thank you Luisa, glad you like both !
You have a lot of extremely interesting art pieces. I Love them! ❤
Thank you so much ! Actually, coffee helps a lot in creating them…
Interesting work dear.<3<3
Thank you dear Laleh ?
My pleasure sweetheart.<3