

Can a sculpture evoke a scent ?

Votive offering III

This sculpture is destined and designed as a reliquary. Cette sculpture est conçue comme un reliquaire et destinée à le devenir.

A sculpture to reflect the magnificence and despair of human kind. Une sculpture qui reflète la magnificence et le désespoir du genre humain.

The tree of knowledge

Admire, respect, and cherish trees as a marvel of nature amongst so many. Admirez, respectez et chérissez les arbres comme une merveille de la nature parmi tant d’autres.


As strangely at it sounds, when searching for hope, look for art!


Let’s put the fun back into working

Wee Morphie

There is no such a thing as a small sculpture. Il n’existe pas de petite sculpture.

The Storm

Difference between sculpture and storms is sculptures don’t scare dogs. La différence entre la sculpture et les orages est que les sculptures n’effraient pas les chiens.

Sadness of the clown

Is there any monument dedicated to clowns and laughter? Yes, and here it is. Existe-t-il un monument dédié aux clowns et au rire ? Oui, et le voici.

Reliquary I

A work of art, a sculpture, transmitted through generations, acquire the status of relics. Une œuvre d’art, une sculpture, transmise de génération en génération, acquiert le statut de relique.

Votive offering II

Where the first sculptures religious, or profane ? Les premières sculptures étaient-elles religieuses, ou profanes ?

Impression Timbuktu

Notwithstanding his love for art, sculpture, and architecture, Timmy remains a cranky and stubborn character…

Morphogenesis IV

The ancient Greeks knew 3D and the Antikythera mechanism was part of a CNC machine…

From stone to bone

Matter is a basic element for life. Matter is transformed to meet the necessities of life, and, sometimes, to become sculpture.


When a sculpture plays the blues… Quand une sculpture joue le blues…


This sculpture was created with and for tenderness, as simple and deep as it is.

Morphogenesis III

When sculpture celebrates the future of architecture…

Long Time Gone

Some paintings are named « still life » as if life could stand still. A sculpture can be still forever, a dry bone on a dry stone, somewhere no one goes.

Danse Fambeaux

Although modest, this gris-gris sculpture “Danse Fambeaux” is a tribute to fabulous artist Dr John.


A contemporary sculpture and a prehistoric artifact have in common the intention to leave a trace as a testimony.

Morphogenesis II

A painted sculpture offers a sort of synesthesia, when colours being associated with shapes, give a triple esthesis : form, colours, and their combination.

Morphogenesis I

Each and every structure is composed of elements. How those elements assemble to complete a form, is the fundamental principle of Morphogenesis.

Soul Sacrifice

None better than music to convey emotions, then turn them to sculpture and colours…
Rien de mieux que la musique pour transmettre des émotions, puis les transformer en sculptures et en couleurs…


A sculpture created today, is potentially vestigial. Time passing, one day, it might be exhumed, considered, together, with emotion, curiosity, and science.

Bass Sola

Bass is to music what sculpture is to painting. It carves and structures music, turning the air into volumes enhancing colours in space.

Taming the untamed

This painted sculpture features a harmony of colours that are regarded as opposite, non harmonious. Yet they vibrate together…

A « strange smell of purple » could be another way to introduce this sculpture, as it offers an invitation to a synaesthetic form of creation.

The Purple Variation

We are accustomed to seeing paintings on canvas. Here, the polychromy is done on volumes, therefore, slightly modifying the colours’ perception.


Gris-gris bear an infinity of shapes, colours, and sizes. Yet they mostly come out as polychromatic sculptures.


Iwas are sorts of guardian angels, they seem to inspire a certain wisdom to their human followers. Some are more powerful than others, each will be chosen carefully.

Star Dust

Remember me or don’t. All in all, it has no importance. Whoever we are, wherever we come from, some day it has to stop.
Many of us have descendants, others do not, yet each generation might be the last one, and will leave a trace, a memento, an enigmatic remain ; here is mine. We are all star dust…

The Triumph of Venus

Sculptural triumphal tribute to the 21st. century Femininity Goddess.


Runes is a sculpture by Addé for African Homage – The quest for sense is not a-sensitive. La quête du sens n’est pas insensible.