En Afrique, c’est la danse qui est au commencement de toutes choses. Si le verbe l’a suivi, ce n’est pas le verbe parler, mais le verbe chanter, rythmer. Danser, chanter, porter des masques constituent l’art total, un rituel pour entrer en relation avec l’indicible et créer le visible.
Léopold Sédar Senghor (1906-2001)
In Africa, dancing is at the beginning of all things. If the verb has followed, it is not the verb to speak, but the verb to sing, to give rhythm. Dancing, singing, wearing masks are the total art, a ritual to get in touch with the unspeakable and create the visible.
Léopold Sédar Senghor
African art is a well established revolutionnary factor and the trigger for occidental modern art. Surprisingly other forms of expression such as ballet or music never paid much tribute while they received so much.
When we look back at the turn of the XXth century, ballet was merely academic albeit some transformation occurred mainly throughout the costumes and sets.
Here we present original ink works inspired by contemporary and/or traditional dancing, carefuly printed on the finest material, to be worn and danced as a piece of art, rather than be seen statically on a wall.
Maasai Adumu Dance

Adumu is a traditional dance followed by the Maasai people of East Africa. Adumu initiates a adult boy into a warrior man. In this dance, the boys jump as high as possible while music and claps egg them on in the background.
Kpanlogo Dance
Kpanlogo comes from Ghana, more specifically the Ga ethnic group. There is a free-flowing motion to this dance, with arms swinging around. There is no stillness in this dance, the free flowing motion, of a move either beginning or ending, fills pauses. The torso acts as the stronghold base of this dance since the center of gravity shifts rapidly from one foot to the other.
Agbekor Atamga Dance

Agbekor is a one example of a warior dance. Style of dance by the West African peoples of Ewe and Foh. It is an ancient dance once known as Atamga, Ga meaning great, Atam meaning oath.
Yankadi Dance
Yankadi Dance
Yankadi and Macru are two common dances. They are from Guinea, West Africa. Yankadi is slow and mellow, while Macru has a faster tempo with lots of movement. The men and women who participate in the dance face each other in rows; everyone has a scarf, and the dancers put their scarf on the one whom they wish to dance with.
J’adore ces lignes dansants. Attention qu’elles ne s’échappent pas des t.shirts 😉
Haha, j’avais pensé à faire un vidéo avec les personnages dansant, le temps passe trop vite… Merci Eric, ton commentaire me fait vraiment rire! Il faudra que je revienne sur ce post pour vérifier, si les lignes s’échappent.