
This Lega sculpture is a stunning monochrome exercice de style. Contemporary Art – Sculpture – Artist Addé.

The Soul of Earth II

Art – Sculpture – Polychromy – mixed media – Artist Addé – What does not come from the sky, is given by Mother Earth.

The Ancestor

Keeping the ancestor’s skull as a mark of respect and faith. “The Ancestor” Sculpture by Addé.

Tribute to Marie Laveau

Voodoo – A tribute to Marie Laveau revived in Dr John’s evocational voodooing song Sculpture.


Power figure Nkisi elaborated to fight difficulties gris-gris – Sculpture by Addé

Vous Deux Child

Voodoo, the world’s oldest religion, a heritage from Yoruba, Fon, and Ewe. Contemporary Art – Sculpture – “Vous Deux Child” Voodoo – Artist Addé –

So, a sculpture can be at the same time, a sign and a metaphor. – Ainsi, une sculpture peut être à la fois un signe et une métaphore.

Praised be the Rain

Praised be the rain – Sculpture – Artist Addé – Based on a Kuba inspired pattern, this sculpture carries the symbols of life and fertility.

Healing Dance

A sculpture being static, per se, it represents a momentum during which the dance is faster than the eye.


Sculpture – Artist Addé – Animism construction mixed media sculpture colorful.

Exhausted Painted Body

Painting by Addé – Abstract – Acrylic on canvas – African body rituals painting.


L’Art et La Philosophie Africaine: Un regard porté sur la tradition orale africaine: Francis Bebey. Texte de Addé – Semiologue.

The public always sees artworks when exhibited. Very few people have the privilege to see works in progress. This is what you get here.